Saturday, March 15, 2014

Gone fishin' Part 1

Today we walked out to the point to go fishing. There seems to be better fishing here than in the cove.
The walk is pretty nice - first we walk through a big field with grass taller than Thomas.

The field is bordered with brambles that are covered with berries

You can just stand there and gorge yourself on succulent blackberries

Look how big they are!
Then a walk through the woods on a trail that looks like it used to be a road
It's pretty steep at the end when you come down to the lake

This is on the island

This is the island - you can easily walk over when the lake is low in the summer
See Gone fishin' Part 2 for a close up look at the island and cool rock formations.


  1. What lake is this? Looks very big. Is this "the" lake at the bottom of Volcan Orsorno? I can't find a name for it on my map.

  2. Llanquihue

    It is the lake at the foot of Osorno. Very deep and large. It is like the ocean.

